When you're self-employed the relationship between bill-paying and working is very direct. No work-ey, no money. Moreover, I enjoy my work. Because there's a good variety of tasks available, I seldom get bored. Trying to tame the ever-present piles of paperwork, online work, and the actual making of the product keep me pretty busy. I thought when I "went full-time" into the beadmaking, that I would have hours and hours of uninterrupted time to make beads. Not so, I was to discover. So because I generally like all the facets of what I do, I rarely take a day off, and often when I do relent, the day off is a total surprise.
Yesterday, I had finished filing about 6 months worth of little sheets of paper, made breakfast (my favorite meal of the day, which usually occurs around lunchtime), and I was petting Joey and flipping through the channels on the TV trying to get an update on Haiti, when I got up, went into my bedroom, picked up the book I was reading, and read until about 1:00 am when I finished the book.
My days off tend almost always to be surprises to myself. Sounds odd, I know, but my plan at that moment when I got up off the couch was to walk directly to the studio.
Wow! How nice! I'd forgotten how much I liked to spend all day reading a book. And something about unplanned free time is one of my most precious commodities. I probably could count on one hand the number of times I do this each year.
My bedroom is pleasantly sunny during the day. I'd been reading for a while when my friend Deborah called from Colorado, and we had a nice long chat while I was lying there all warm and comfortable, soaking up the rays that came into the window. Then more reading; a nap, something which I can't remember the last time I did; more reading (by that time the rain had started); leftovers and tea late, around 9:00 pm; small dialogue with Marc about the silliness of the Conan/Leno thing and why can't they find anybody like Johnny Carson; more reading until I finished the book. Brushed my teeth, took my vitamins, went to bed for good to the sound of the rain.
After a day like this -- and Saturdays "off" are even more rare for me because I'm usually out of town trying to sell my beads on Saturdays -- I always say to myself that I will do this sort of thing on a regular basis. That it's helpful and important to my well-being, that it's part of the balance I've been looking for and craving deeply since I started this beadmaking living.
I spend so much time in the studio (thinly disguised as a garage) that I forget how nice the house is to be in.
Regarding my book: I had started reading "Twilight" several days ago. I checked it out from the library because every time I looked at it in the bookstore I just couldn't get into it. I'm a big Anne Rice fan, and I couldn't possibly fathom anyone coming up with anything better or as interesting as her first 5 vampire novels (her later 3 or so kinda suck). But after reading Twilight, I think there is something there, and I'll be checking "Moonlight" out from my little library if they have it. I'd like to say it's never too late to fall back in love with your library, especially in this economy.
So at this moment today, I have a driven boss who enjoys her work, has a pretty solid work ethic, who's looking forward to a nice block of studio time. I've got five movies from the library, and I'm ready to go I think. We'll see where my feet lead me when I get up...because I can't remember the last time I took a whole weekend off, and Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" is waiting.
I thought my full-time beadmaking would be more making beads too and I found that last year I spent a great deal of time trying to connect all of my online stuff. It turns out all that work got me followers, but not necessarily more business.
I decided this year I was making more BEADS and JEWELRY and doing one update a week on Etsy and my blog. I like to blip on FB and since Twitter and FB connect I can kill 2 birds with one stone!
Making this change has made me more inspired than I have been in a long while and happier :D
I love everything about rainy days, the gloom, the sound of rain on the house, feeling like it's time to snuggle inside and be creative. :)
Have a good studio session.
<3 Genea
Thanks, Genea. I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with balance.
I struggle with balance on a daily basis. I've been spiraling out of control for awhile now. Little landslides, bigger landslides... to the point where I've forgotten that there was anything but mud.
I am looking forward to sitting down with a book and reading again. I'm looking forward to creative time that doesn't seem pressured or rushed. So many deadlines... it's hard to keep track what's for what any more.
Good luck with your balance. I agree about Anne Rice, but I would even say that her luck ran out after book three. And as far as her witches are concerned, her luck ran out after book one... but it was so long that it might as well have been several books.
Have you read the Sookie books? They are delightful. It makes me want to go to Wal-mart, eat chicken tenders and have a romance with a supernatural creature.
Hope you've been making lots of lovely beads!
I love your beads, but you need to take time for you. I have always viewed you as very driven and precise. I'm sure it is a struggle to spend a day off.
Loved the Twilight series, suggested by my li'l sis who has her masters in education with an endorsement in special Ed.......I think that qualifies her to give me advice. I thought parts were elementary and geared to teens, but the story line was good.
I am team Jacob.....interested to know if you are an Edward fan or not.
Hi Cindy. I'm definitely team Edward, but only because that's what Bella herself has be clear about all along. And if you've read all of 'em, you know how it works out in the end!
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